Latest earthquakes near Energía BíoBío

Time Date Location Magnitude
06:01:14 2023-10-21 15 km E of Chiguayante, Chile 4.1
02:35:16 2023-10-17 81 km N of Barrancas, Argentina 4.6
06:04:51 2023-10-12 Araucania-Los Lagos border region, Chile 4.7
10:33:19 2023-10-08 18 km E of San Clemente, Chile 4.3
01:25:49 2023-10-08 46 km W of Santa Cruz, Chile 4.8
21:04:48 2023-10-02 95 km NW of Quirihue, Chile 4.4
17:44:06 2023-09-30 90 km W of San Antonio, Chile 4.3
03:10:29 2023-09-26 24 km SE of Molina, Chile 4.3
02:18:05 2023-09-17 140 km W of Lebu, Chile 5.0
20:03:14 2023-09-09 near the coast of central Chile 4.0
13:15:01 2023-08-30 4 km S of Quirihue, Chile 4.6
09:07:16 2023-08-30 37 km NNW of Valparaíso, Chile 4.3
23:28:54 2023-08-24 Off the coast of Valparaiso, Chile 4.6
08:16:21 2023-08-21 36 km NNE of Aluminé, Argentina 4.2
01:42:19 2023-08-17 24 km E of Chicureo Abajo, Chile 4.7
04:39:32 2023-08-09 25 km S of Quilpué, Chile 3.9
05:53:23 2023-07-30 39 km W of Rauco, Chile 4.4
02:16:24 2023-07-30 26 km ENE of Curanilahue, Chile 4.9
11:13:04 2023-07-25 6 km NW of Colbún, Chile 4.7
08:24:06 2023-07-24 29 km ENE of Machalí, Chile 4.9
03:05:10 2023-07-17 25 km ESE of Loncopué, Argentina 6.6
17:01:43 2023-07-14 9 km E of Melipilla, Chile 4.2
18:35:44 2023-07-11 54 km SW of Cañete, Chile 4.5
01:11:38 2023-07-11 47 km W of Valparaíso, Chile 4.5
15:37:46 2023-07-10 Near the coast of Valparaiso, Chile 3.7
17:11:33 2023-07-09 31 km ENE of Chicureo Abajo, Chile 5.6
09:17:23 2023-07-07 41 km NW of Valparaíso, Chile 4.5
06:52:33 2023-06-29 Off the coast of Maule, Chile 4.3
22:31:37 2023-06-17 19 km E of Teno, Chile 4.8
19:07:34 2023-06-15 49 km WNW of Santa Cruz, Chile 5.2
01:47:29 2023-06-07 Near the coast of Valparaiso, Chile 4.1
18:15:53 2023-05-30 off the coast of Maule, Chile 4.3
18:28:55 2023-05-24 178 km WSW of Lebu, Chile 4.6
23:18:19 2023-05-23 54 km W of Talcahuano, Chile 4.2
22:57:32 2023-05-23 56 km W of Talcahuano, Chile 4.5
07:16:15 2023-05-20 18 km NE of Tomé, Chile 4.1
08:34:28 2023-05-18 near the coast of central Chile 3.3
06:18:33 2023-05-15 61 km W of Talcahuano, Chile 4.3
04:51:25 2023-05-13 37 km SW of Cañete, Chile 4.6
06:07:14 2023-04-27 9 km SSE of San Clemente, Chile 5.0
03:56:28 2023-04-24 offshore Valparaiso, Chile 4.7
06:16:09 2023-04-12 84 km NNW of Barrancas, Argentina 4.3
14:58:40 2023-04-05 30 km SSW of Lebu, Chile 4.3
04:59:22 2023-04-04 118 km NW of Talcahuano, Chile 4.2
22:03:23 2023-03-30 110 km WSW of Constitución, Chile 4.5
19:55:02 2023-03-30 112 km WSW of Constitución, Chile 4.2
18:26:34 2023-03-30 113 km NW of Tomé, Chile 4.4
17:33:06 2023-03-30 108 km WSW of Constitución, Chile 6.3
17:26:41 2023-03-26 25 km NE of Tomé, Chile 4.7
21:24:11 2023-03-23 39 km NE of Las Ovejas, Argentina 4.5