Latest earthquakes near Irakleio, Greece

Time Date Location Magnitude
22:02:50 2023-06-15 65 km SSW of Palaióchora, Greece 4.1
22:29:24 2023-06-11 8 km SW of Atalánti, Greece 4.0
04:42:02 2023-06-11 8 km SW of Kuşadası, Turkey 4.1
02:55:02 2023-06-10 61 km SSE of Pýrgos, Greece 4.3
10:04:52 2023-06-10 Greece 4.2
12:33:53 2023-06-08 6 km SW of Atalánti, Greece 4.8
13:23:42 2023-06-02 32 km SSW of Palaióchora, Greece 4.1
03:17:06 2023-05-23 41 km SSE of Koróni, Greece 4.2
04:36:05 2023-05-21 10 km SSW of Moíres, Greece 4.5
00:48:13 2023-05-20 11 km S of Moíres, Greece 4.8
23:46:09 2023-05-19 9 km SW of Paralía Vérgas, Greece 3.1
18:58:51 2023-05-18 3 km S of Moíres, Greece 5.2
05:42:35 2023-05-18 Greece 4.2
19:55:53 2023-05-17 14 km S of Moíres, Greece 4.4
22:42:24 2023-05-10 central Mediterranean Sea 4.3
15:22:07 2023-05-09 29 km WSW of Ölüdeniz, Turkey 4.3
14:43:24 2023-05-06 30 km SSW of Palaióchora, Greece 4.5
18:02:56 2023-04-29 13 km NE of Rododáfni, Greece 4.5
20:00:35 2023-04-26 19 km S of Astypálaia, Greece 5.1
03:40:07 2023-04-23 3 km SE of Ula, Turkey 4.1
20:38:19 2023-04-22 5 km SSW of Ula, Turkey 4.2
08:38:05 2023-04-22 19 km NE of Néa Stíra, Greece 4.6
03:52:37 2023-04-19 38 km W of Filiatrá, Greece 4.5
22:17:23 2023-04-17 83 km SE of Karpathos, Greece 4.3
16:05:17 2023-03-31 39 km WNW of Sérifos, Greece 4.8
19:23:00 2023-03-30 38 km S of Pýrgos, Greece 4.5
13:45:44 2023-03-17 4 km SSW of Savália, Greece 4.3
16:36:02 2023-03-14 central Mediterranean Sea 5.4
23:41:49 2023-03-08 central Mediterranean Sea 4.1
15:56:42 2023-02-28 70 km SSE of Koróni, Greece 4.4
20:14:30 2023-02-18 48 km S of Lithakiá, Greece 4.7
17:32:57 2023-02-18 Crete, Greece 4.7
12:44:15 2023-02-03 7 km WSW of Methóni, Greece 4.3
05:09:11 2023-01-29 22 km SSE of Lithakiá, Greece 4.3
12:37:05 2023-01-25 62 km SE of Lárdos, Greece 5.9
04:46:47 2023-01-22 10 km W of Loutrá Aidhipsoú, Greece 4.6
00:29:25 2023-01-20 74 km E of Darnah, Libya 4.0
02:22:27 2023-01-19 32 km WNW of Míthymna, Greece 5.0
18:22:50 2023-01-18 1 km NNW of Áno Kastrítsi, Greece 4.2
12:43:09 2023-01-14 33 km SSW of Kastrí, Greece 4.2
03:31:36 2023-01-13 38 km SSE of Pýrgos, Greece 4.5
09:52:25 2023-01-11 western Turkey 3.3
18:11:09 2023-01-10 36 km NNE of Eloúnda, Greece 4.4
07:38:31 2023-01-10 near the coast of western Turkey 4.9
22:59:58 2023-01-09 23 km NNE of Eloúnda, Greece 4.2
07:11:57 2023-01-09 33 km NNE of Eloúnda, Greece 4.1
06:39:29 2023-01-07 5 km NNE of Míthymna, Greece 4.6
01:52:58 2023-01-07 2 km NNE of Míthymna, Greece 4.7
20:03:55 2023-01-04 11 km E of Mantoúdi, Greece 4.4
21:42:32 2023-01-03 southern Greece 4.2